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The information being made available to you through this website is displayed as a courtesy only and each person obtaining information from this website will be bound by this disclaimer. The information available on this site is solely for sales in which Total Lender Solutions (“TLS”) is acting as the foreclosure trustee or substitute trustee under a deed of trust. TLS is under no obligation whatsoever to provide information regarding any sale at any time prior to announcing the opening bid at the sale site. We reserve the right to discontinue providing the information at any time without notice and to impose limitations on access or information.The only way to obtain the most accurate information is to attend the sale and listen to the auctioneer cry the sale or postponement information. While we have attempted to make the information provided accurate and complete, we make no warranties or guarantees of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this website.

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Please note that all times listed for the trustees’ sales are local to the state in which they are held.

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